An account of my whereabouts during my travels !
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
i wanna stay 18 forever so i can live like this forever
i am in the union computer room and its so cold, why do they make it so cold ?! im drinking a peachy pineapple smoothie which i paid for with the money on my student card, its like part of the meal plan here, you get $200 on your card to spend on food in any of the places around the uni. they offered to put a "booster" in the smoothie -the options were lik slim down, protein and stuff, these americans will believe anything. as well as the $200 i get 6 meals a week in the uni canteen place, tonight i think im gonna go to a dif one cos theres like 4 or 5 about campus and im getting a bit tired of mrs Es. im not sure if i sed already but this is my time table: monday and wed 1:30 until 2:45 i have film production, monday from 6:30 - 10pm i have the history of american sound film. tuesday and thursday from 8 - 9:15 i have marketing strategy and new product development from 11-12:15. then i have fridays off. im just about to head home now cos im freezing and i have a lot of reading to do tonight, plus an innovation thing to hand in tomorrow.
im gonna help out the study abroad people here by manning a stall for stirling university in a couple of weeks time. i would say its biggest selling point is the fact you dont have to actually do any can but u dont have to ! also u can drink. so its my birthday on sunday, we are all tailgating the football match on sat and im not sure what the plan for sunday is yet but i reckon picnics and drink should be involved. failing that pizza, you can buy dominoes pizza with your card too !
too cold, have to go, bye x
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
frida and mara
this is frida and mara on friday. in other news dashboard confessional and brandnew are doing a gig together (probably the best possible gig that could ever exist in my life) and its in denver which is the state next to this one...only thing is , its 10hours drive from here :( gutted. im off to hit the books, its hard work here like !
the crew
this is us in the bottleneck, from right to left : rhondas sister jennifer - who is staying here for like a week, jason, rhonda, jennifers mate, philipa and katarina :)
american fridge
hey, been so busy doing work so here goes a big update...or a short one covering what i can remember. so on sat me emily rhonda and philippa went to the fiddle playing contest in south park (otherwise known as fiddle fest!) it was well funny and we had a good wee dance ! then we went to rhondas mates house where i found this amazing american fridge which is just so super cool. i took a pic to show debi cos i know u will appreciated it and on closer look it even has stuff bout veggies written on it ! so then after the house we went to the bottle neck for rhondas mates gig, its a club where u can get in if ur over 18 but u get crosses on your hands so u cant drink and u have to pay more so it really jsut sucks. but we had rum ahahaha. so i danced loads and it was ace. then it rained like crazy once we left but rhonda had her car so we got home only half soaked through :)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
im only happy when it rains
im only happy when it rains
Thursday, August 24, 2006
every day after that in the night i will dream i am with you
my bike died. i only bought it on sat and the handle bars went dodgy but the same thing had happend to katarinas so i just figured it was usual for a $50 bike, then i was cyclin down a steep hill to mass street and it went crazy, turns out my tire popped. so i pushed it to katarinas and tightened up the bars but i dunno what to do about the wheel, proper gutted.
we are gonna each have the net in our rooms on sat :) for now im just chillin in the living room. miss world is def not moving in she is stayin in dif halls. thus i currently have my own room but that could all change ! its good but also a little bad cos my room is so bear and dull lookin. by bear i ment bare. i was so bored today, i have friends and that here but i miss haveing loads of different friends, like i just have a few. but im sure that will change.
cant think of anything else to write about
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
this is my bed, brought the pillow from home and got the covers here from wallmart, the thing on the wall is the frisbee i won one day :)
my desk
this is my desk, it makes me happy cos the drawer handles make a smiley face...its the little things !
this is the hall, and that room at the end is mines :) just now its all mines cos miss world is not moving in cos she is trying to get into naismith !
living room
this is my sexy living room with its 2 sofas and coffee table, not a very good picture to show it all but its hard to take it from a good angle.
Monday, August 21, 2006
enough about me lets talk about you for a minute
miss world hasnt moved in yet but some guys came round today cos apparently she sed her bed was wobbly so i reckon she is waiting til its all fine before she moves in...its mental. im scared. i have a class at 1:30 in old father studios which is miles away so i have to leave here at 1 then i have a class from 6:30 until 10pm ! who does that !!!
gonna do laundry today...that should be exciting :
food lasts much longer here.its jammed full of preservatives, you can buy scrambled eggs in cartons. everything is huge...america is not famous for its cusine....think thats the single worst thing bout being here, everything else is fine but really, i just need some nice food. i have been to mrs es a few times now, its the cafe place of whatever, its like all u can eat which would be dangerous but its all super sweet.
ok so this blog is good but you all need to send me some pictures of what im missing cos for all i know you all look completely different ! my email is for all thoughs who do not know already x
gotta go to class...but its in the film studio so its just cool :D :D :D
Saturday, August 19, 2006
shut your eyes and think of somewhere
Friday, August 18, 2006
everything is bigger in america
this picture is for anyone who has ever stayed in uni accomodation where you have to share a shelf or box inside the fridge... AH HA :p
il take more pics of my flat and post them next time :) this was probably the biggest entry ever. i just got an email telling me to read 4 chapters of a book by thur...i dont even have the book !i thought i was on holiday, whats goin on !
night out
this is the first pub we went to where it was $1 for a beer. apparently its only for frat houses and sororitys...but we didnt know that at the time !
i however am living with 3 americans and my flat is almost fully furnished, right down to this scarey cushion !
philippas flat
the catch with accom here is that wen u move in there is exactely no furniture ! not even bed covers ! heres katarina and philippa trying not to have chins, on the floor of the flat
this bird is eveywhere ! there are 23 big ones like this roundcampus and you can get it on evrything ! so when i finally get round to sending post it will most probably have something like this on it !
frat house
this is the fountain you can swin in, its outside one of the frat houses, which are all massive mansions
Its way too easy to live this life with your eyes half closed
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
dont wanna be an american idiot
Before the pub yesterday we went to a free bbq which was organised by this christian group but they didnt ram it in your face and they actually do a lot of cool stuff with fair trade and environmental stuff. so i signed up ! but i dunno il see what there email says. i had a meat burger first it was good but a little pink so i went for a veggie one next but it was rubbish, not at all like at home. they always have a veggie option here though so its good. think i might go to mrs Es tonight for tea, thats the cafe place i get my meal plan from but i can spend it other places too it just seems to be nearest to where i live. im currently on 12 meals a week but i think il change it to 6. you can go for breakfast lunch or dinner and the meals carry over so you can have 3 one day if you want :)
think my flatmate is buying a wireless hub today so if all goes well i might be able to update with some pictures later on.
over and out x
Monday, August 14, 2006
write me a love song, drop me a line
1603 w. 15th st.
apt. 505b
ks 66044
havent been able to write anything cos i dont have the net in my new room yet but i am gettting wireless this week so do not fret :) my new place is pretty cool its big and has a carpet. im living with 3 american girls but the one im sharing a room with (Staci) hasnt moved in yet. iv met Rhonda and emily and they seem nice but when i was reading harry potter emily asked me if it was in english so i dont reckon they know where scotland is. il write more along with some pics some time this week, im gonna go to the poster sale now and buy some stuff to decorate my walls x
Thursday, August 10, 2006
my current digs
my current digs
Originally uploaded by squeb.
this is where i am staying just now but im moving on to bigger and better things on friday morning
the football stadium
the football stadium
Originally uploaded by squeb.
this is the uni american football stadium, its massive
first week 041resize
first week 041resize
Originally uploaded by squeb.
this is the study abroad office, all the buildings here are a little grander than in stirling
first week 021resize
first week 021resize
Originally uploaded by squeb.
the girl on the right is my roomie and the one on the left is the polish girl who lives next door.
first week 048resize
first week 048resize
Originally uploaded by squeb.
this is me katarina and ghoovie in the union. ghoovie is my group leader and katarina is my swedish friend :)
these tropicana drinks are free, fun and sunshine, theres enough for everyone
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
and the truth is, i miss you
night guys x
theres nohing on the tv, nothing on the radio that means that much to me.
ok so 7th of august on my bed in naismith hall continued !
..when i am free folk at home are in bed and my mobile wont work so its a bit rubbish but hopefully il get a sim sorted soon. its rubbish not being able to phone home but next week by thursday or by thursday il have a lot more time and probably my laptop will work in my room on the net. so its a bit rubbish but good in a way cos if i talk properly on the phone i might get homesick. right now i feel like i am in some sort of parallel universe. cant believe stuff is still going on at home. so today i had loads of talks about banks and insurance which was boring but necessary. we are all in groups for this week. i am in the 'free state' group, my leader is ghoovie, also in my group is: ariya from bali, chung fu - taiwan, deeptea - india, shravan - india, youngking -china, lu - china, eshan - india, gudir - jordan, yousive - sierre leon, jotea- india, kathrine- england, christopher - germany, regine-germany, supang - china and maybe a few others but i think i did pretty good to remember all thoughs names ! we had a tour of the campus today then we had to all say something unique or interesting about our country (my room mate just answerd the phone and is realing so fast in chinease, is so cool !) i took a pic of her and krasha (polish girl who stays next door with keoko) i havent taken nearly enough pics. today i seen a sign on campus which says you cant skate which is the worst. speshially since i had just seen the smooth road which goes from jayhawker towers (my oermanent accom) to the union. i was picturing myself on a maple long board with orange resin wheels cruising to class but it is not to be :( the campus is so quiet now as it is only foriegn students. the food tonight was sponcerd by the us bank itwas super fancy beef with chicken ans spaghetti.
ok il post a separate entry for today x
Monday, August 07, 2006
in the morning you know you wont remember a thing
on my bed, in naismith hall 7th of Aug 2006
ok so its the 7th but it feels like i have been here for about 4 days. i am staying in naismtih halls with jinyi lu who says i can call her vicky. she is real nice and her english is really good which helps as i speak exactely no chinease.when i arrived i got a bag full of sweets which has everything in it including skitles which are way sweeter than the ones back homeas are the frosties i had for breakfast. so yeh i got that and an orientation briefcase thing and a pass that goes round my neck which gets me free tea and shuttle bus rides. im on the 8th floor so i just take the lift but its pretty high up so i reckon thats fine. there are only around 5 computers downstairs and way more people so its pretty hard to get on one, plus i have a schedulewhich starts at 7am and finishes at aroun 8pm
... which reminds me im exhusted so il post this and then take off from here next time i have chance
p.s im missing everybody who is reading this like crazy but at the same time its hard to comprehend the actual length of time i will be missing you for...if that makes much sense. thanks for my envelope of letters guys, il write more on that when im not so sleepy x night
oh my god i can't believe it, iv never been so far away from home
On the plane from Newark to Kansas 06 Aug 2006
Im sitting on this tiny plane waiting for take off...i'll start at the begining (which seems like quite a few days ago!) Stewart (my brother) dropped me and debi off at the airport and i checked in. Got asked loads of questions before i was allowed like "is there anything in your bag which could be used as a weapon?" at which point im thinking you could probably clamp someone to death with straighteners or laso them with a belt.... however the guy explains he means knifes and guns so i decline ! I checked in and we sat upstairs opposite boots. Talked and laughed and i went through to board at 7:10am relatively tear free, but i don't think iv ever tried harder not to cry, apart from maybe on the plane here. Went to the loo but i made it super quick so i wouldnt end up as a blubbering mess ! i was right at the back of the plane on the left in 34D. The first inflight movie was something about Antorio Bandaras teaching folk to ballroom dance. Was pretty rubbish and i fell asleep near the end. Ice age 2 was on next which i watched but the monitor was wonky so everything that was white showed up brown, which kinda took the edge off it !then something starring chevy chase came on so i looked out the window for a long while. I got some free pretsels and a roll and cake and beef with rice then later they gave me a roll with chicken and cheese and some crisps and a choc crispy, as well as all the juice i could want...i know this is probably standard but iv grown used to easy jet. SO thats my tummy americaned !! My emotions were all over the place during the flight, to be honest if i was driving i probable would of turned back. had a wee sleep and felt a little better. Once i arrived in newark and managed to transfer my baggage and check in for this flight i was (still am) feeling really confidentand excited. looking forward to arriving and getting some sleep its now 2:30pm but at home its like 8:30pm its a bit confusing.
- things that made me laff to myself- folk call each other ma'am/ only in america does the safety thing at the start of the flight have a backing track !/ pic of george bush was up at the airport
p.s i am so brave
ok so im just gonna post this now then go for a shower (obv this is me speaking now and not on the plane, although being american they said "there are 2 bathrooms aboard the plane" ahahah) i might post more when im out x