An account of my whereabouts during my travels !

Thursday, August 24, 2006

every day after that in the night i will dream i am with you

this blog has 51 posts ! im too good to you guys. i got my threadless tshirt in the post today which was pretty exciting, i think il wear it tonight-might be going out for a beer if i can get in somewhere :) it came with a free sticker and pencil i was so chuffed. i am goin food shopping tonight so i can actualy make nice food every now and then. the food place here is nice but u just know it aint good for you :s you just scan ur card to get in and you can eat all u want and drink all u want, they have a mexican chinease and pizza bit plus like 4 other bits and salad and condiments and ice cream and just anything you can think off really. its good but bad.

my bike died. i only bought it on sat and the handle bars went dodgy but the same thing had happend to katarinas so i just figured it was usual for a $50 bike, then i was cyclin down a steep hill to mass street and it went crazy, turns out my tire popped. so i pushed it to katarinas and tightened up the bars but i dunno what to do about the wheel, proper gutted.

we are gonna each have the net in our rooms on sat :) for now im just chillin in the living room. miss world is def not moving in she is stayin in dif halls. thus i currently have my own room but that could all change ! its good but also a little bad cos my room is so bear and dull lookin. by bear i ment bare. i was so bored today, i have friends and that here but i miss haveing loads of different friends, like i just have a few. but im sure that will change.
cant think of anything else to write about

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