An account of my whereabouts during my travels !

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

throw me a rope

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
this is the smallest map in the world, its of my uni campus and i wrote on it but it just wont go any bigger ! got a lot of work to do right now and a class soon so this is just a short post to say im trying. bought a digital camera online, il email you the details mum and dad. gotta go, bub bye x


gingermonkey said...

why u using photobucket, use flickr then it would be nice and big for everyone to see, photobuckets rubbish!

Debbie said...

you think im stupid ? just remember who told u about flickr! i used photobucket because flickr crashed like a million times.... so put that in ur pipe.

Anonymous said...

Now Girls!!!

gingermonkey said...

ahahaha, sorry babe, u r wisest, cant believe i doubted ur online photo usage. but remember who taught u how to use flirkr ;)