An account of my whereabouts during my travels !

Friday, February 20, 2009

The wind is ever faithful and it carves a solemn sword

im just about to go to sleep but im going to start this post off so in the morning its all there ready to go and i can get on with it and maybe even get a bit more regular with posting on here.

Ok good mooooooooooorning, iv left this too long to write in any sort of chronological order but il begin where i left off, our litte snowboading trip...

We went to mount Seymour which is pretty easy to get too....little harder to get back from. I'l come to that later. So I headed down town popped into Blenz to get a latte as i was a little early and waited at the 211 for Alice. When she arrived i had drunk about half of my latte so was more than a little excited about the prospect of hitting the slopes. Dru got on our bus at her stop and then we got a shuttle bus up the mountain which was $5...heres us on the bus

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We headed to rentals and got kitted out in all the latest snowboarding fashion
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We hit the slopes...
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I had a fantastic time and my pupils did pretty well considering im probably not the best teacher....but i had posted them some instructional videos to review before hand. oh yeh and the lift pass was free (for girls), you just had to pick up a ticket before hand and donate whatever you wanted for breast cancer. I made a little video of Alice snowboarding since she did so well for a first timer:

On getting the bus home the driver was a complete idiot and didn't tell us we were going the wrong way so it took a thousand times longer than it had to.

last wednesday it was beautiful and sunny (its kinda been like that ever since) and i had the day off so i headed to English bay with my book and some music, i sat on the rocks and it was awesome. Once i got round to taking these pics it was getting a bit chilly and some darker clouds were on the way...

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my feel fuzzy sailor badge made by can get yourself a similar one at ;)

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dark clouds a loomin'

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me wrapped up

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the sun setting... it seems to go down aroun 5:30 just now

That night i went to the cambie with Dru and Greg and we played cards with a guy who started talking to us. At first i didn't have any time for him because he was asking what we thought of vancouver and where we were from and im gettin a little sick of that question...but then i thought that was a little harsh so i conversed and bet him at cards so it was a good night. Later Greg bought me a shot of tequila which i did without puking which is always a bonus !

On the thursday Greg and i went to open mic, it was a good night as usual and i really loved the song that was on when we got there. Later on some guy was doing some throat singing which was super cool.

I worked all weekend and obviously valentines day was crazy busy. They were doing heart shaped pizzas which was a total cop out cos they just cut a tiny triangle out the top of a normal pizza !! i was run of my feet and defo burnt a good few calories. Didn't get finished until around 11 and then sunday was super busy too, but i like it best when its busy because time goes fastest.

On Sunday (i think) Alice and I headed back down to English bay...its the place to be in the sunshine ! and did some more book reading and picture taking before i had to head off to work, heres the evidence...

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Im having a bit of a mental block as to what happened this week, at one point i made parsnip and cashew sausages using Debis top secret recipe and they were AMAZING ! I also went to the library, iv been quite the book worm of recent.

On wednesday i went with alice to a photography exhibition at ubc which was neato...but then i forgot to actually pack my packed lunch which was not so cool. Still it was another sunny day and Alice gave me her banana so i sat outside IN A T-SHIRT and ate that. wooop. And then i through the skin on the ground because he other day i was in red burrito and some woman got all high and mighty cos some other woman put her banana skin in the dirt next to a tree and she was like knocking on the window telling her to put it in a bin. But really surely the dirt is the best place for it, that way it will compose and not take up space in a land fill....right ? discuss...

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i liked this picture best of all
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since i had forgot my lunch we went to 'soup etc' and i had some soup and alice had some etc. it was delicious
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One magical day i got a parcel from home. The doorbell rang and i had to go down and sign for it, sooooooooooo exciting. It was full of amazing things and was one of the best mornings of my life !!!! ahahah seriously ! I sat in Alices doorway and opened them all....just to make her jealous....not really, i was just trying to share the magic !! I got a jar of pesto and when i had some on a wrap the other day i realised how rubbish the one from canada was, i can't believe i settled for it and even thought it was almost as good ! Heres me with my new head massager:

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Last night was Thursday and i was working, which was unusual cos they don't normally have me on on a thursday but there was a new girl and i think i was there to show her the ropes. She looked all shy and scared like i was so i told her how to look busy and what to do in regards to answering the door etc. She said the job seemed pretty easy and i said it is but can get kind of manic at the weekend. So she is working all weekend and we seem to have the same sense of humour so that should be fun.

ok well i think thats you all up to date. my search for a second job continues to be unfruitful, the new girl at my work said it took her forever to get this one so perhaps the economy really is in crisis, who knew !

peace out



feelfuzzy said...

how about the other great parcel you received today? ;) cant believe such a lover of food could forget her lunch, u poor thing x

annettebill said...

If everyone through their banana skin under a tree where would we be!!!!

annettebill said...

Not as good as Debi's soup Yum Yum.
Dad had some for breakfast so I had a wee taste. Looking forward to more at lunch. Dad gave it a 10 out of 10. Cant get better than that.:-)

annettebill said...

Can't believe I am going to be in English Bay soon!!!

feelfuzzy said...

yipeee my soup scored top marks. iv just had a bowl and i have to say it was my best yet :)

sophoo said...

Heellloooooooooo Debbbbieeee! It is dinner time and the talk of the sweet potato and cashew sausages is making my mouth water! Sounds like you are havign an ace time over there! I must say i am very jealous of your sunny weather. Hannover is a little grey for my liking but hopefully when spring kicks in it will warm up and be sunny:D xxx